In the dawn before the first age of man Dragons roamed the world unopposed. Beings of immense size, diverse ideals, and intellect beyond anything at the time. The Dragons would fly through the skies, unchallenged. Beings with the capacity to conquer and fight, but also beings of resolve and peace. These ancient creatures possess immense knowledge and power. They had no empires, they had no organization, they had nothing but endless time to be and do. Dragons conversed with each other, but mostly they kept to themselves. Flying freely far and wide. Some chose to keep to the skies, while others chose to find caverns to slumber. All contemplating the existence of the world, and all with eons of memories.
One day three dragons started a dialogue betwixt each other while at a beautiful lake near a massive cavern. They spoke of the sights they had seen in the world. One had explored the vast open skies, he spoke of seas and the diverse climates of the world and what lived in everything. Another spoke of the vast caverns of the world, and the tunnels he had bore to find the treasures under the surface of the world. Lastly, the dragon with broken wings spoke. He spoke of wandering the forests of the world, swimming in the deep oceans, and seeing the arrival of man to this world. They conversed by the lakeside for many years before retiring to the cavern. Dragons are long winded creatures, seldom do their conversations last less than a month. The two Dragons that had seen the world were in awe, their friend had seen something that they had never seen in the eons they had roamed. They became fascinated with the idea of man, creatures so simple and in the need of help. The blue dragon of the earth beneath thought they should help these new creatures. The red dragon of the skies supposed they would need aid, but he didn’t want them within his domain. Finally, the green dragon of the land and sea wished to help but feared the destruction these new creatures would bring to this world. The dragon’s conversed longer about this issue, unbenounced to them humanity had become more dominant in this world. Centuries passed in the blink of an eye for the dragons, they continued to discuss not noticing the passage of time. Dragons are creatures unaffected by the passage of time, in fact their powers only grow stronger as they become older. The continued to converse until one day, something extraordinary happened.
A man walking through the forest spotted a wonderful spot along the lakeside, he set up his camp there. He was a man traveling alone, exploring and searching to find meaning and purpose. His encampment was small and interesting, the lake was a brilliant light blue and clear as day. The surrounding vegetation grew happier and more lively here. The green stretched in all directions from where the man sat. He watched as the lake moved and the fish with it moved. He sat still observing everything around him. It was the most peaceful experience, tranquility filled him. The from behind him, he hear whispers. His peace was interrupted by whispers, curious whispers with no threat in sight the man turned to search for these whispers. He left his camp, and moved further into the beautiful forest. There through the trees was an entrance to a cave, the whispers seemed to be emanating from there. Unworried he slipped through the vines and moss the concealed the cave. Inside what he saw was something he had never seen before, and it was the most brilliant sight he had ever seen.
The Dragons continued to be enthralled in conversation, unaware that the man had entered their domain. The cavern was light by a few holes in the stone ceiling, but mostly by glowing gems in the walls and mushrooms growing everywhere. The dragons had curled up in a circle facing each other in order to converse, unmoving for millennia. They were covered head to toe in moss, mushrooms, vines, and other vegetation. Their presence there along with their magic made the anomalies within the stone cavern turn to gemstones and magical stone. They knew not that were they sat had changed so drastically, they knew not what the world had done in their absences. The man gawked in awe, he sat down in amazement. He watched as they conversed, he did not understand but as the Dragons spoke the man began to understand them. He did not know their words, but he did know their ideas. He listened for a time, Dragons have magic tongues; they only can speak draconic their language but their ideas they speak of if listened to for long enough become clear to anyone and everyone. They can understand most creatures if they chose, most Dragons do not listen to creatures however. They believe them to be beneath themselves. The man did not know this of course, but he did know they were speaking of humanity. He understood they were wondering if they should help humanity, or if they should avoid them. It seemed to the man that the conversation had been going longer than he could imagine. Eventually, he stood and walked out towards the center of their conversation curious to try and join. Maybe he could ask for aid in his search for meaning and purpose.
The Dragons still had yet to notice the man in their presence, he had been there a few week at this point. He had left to his camp on several occasions, fished, hunted, and slept. But now he approached the center of the conversation, something he had only listened to until he decided to speak. He stepped forward in the middle of the three, and spoke. “I think you should help.” No response was given, the Dragons continued their conversation unaware of the man standing in front of them. It was like an ant standing by your foot, calling out for aid. The man tried again, and again. But to no avail. He left frustrated, he went back to his campsite and starred at the horizon. The sunset was so beautiful here he thought, he wished to speak to the Dragons. But how was he to get their attention? He must come up with a plan. That would be his duty in the morning, he thought as he payed down to rest.
This time, when he approached the dragons he brought his sling. He had no hope of injuring them by hurling rocks, but maybe he could get their attention for longer enough to be noticed. Maybe he could plea with them. He had no reason too, he knew not what the Dragons could aid humanity with. All he knew was that he wanted them to aid humanity in whatever way they could. He remembered the stresses of life, he assumed these Dragons could help with such issues. And so his plan was to hit the eye of one of the Dragons, he loaded his sling and aimed for an eye. He had listened intently for longer enough to know the most temperamental Dragon was the red dragon, so he aimed for the red dragons eye with a small smooth stone. With great force, the man sent the stone flying. An ant throwing a grain of sand into the eye of a man. The intended effect worked, the red dragon turned and starred at him intently for a long time.
The red dragon was expressing his concerns that humanity would try to take the sky away from him, when suddenly something hit him in the eye. It didn’t hurt as his eye would take more than a small smooth stone to puncture but he did feel it. The red dragon turned his head in the direction of which the stone had come. And what the red dragon say was a small creature. The red dragon saw the surroundings of the cave and noticed that he was covered in moss and other things. The green and blue dragon continued the conversation thinking that the red dragon was simply thinking about something for longer than he usually did. They humored themselves think he had developed some reserve in his words, instead of blurting them out mindlessly without thought. The red dragon peered downwards to see what had lobbed the stone, and what he saw was a tiny creature. The man, a creature the red dragon had never seen himself but had heard tale of from the green dragon. The man stood there looking terrified but waved his arms frantically and was yelling “I think you should help!”. The red dragon starred at him puzzled, what was this creature and what was he saying. The red dragon turned to the blue and green dragon. “It seems we have a visitor.”
The green and blue dragons blinked, a visitor? Another dragon maybe? They stopped their conversation, and followed the eyes of the red dragon to the small insignificant creature waving its arms at them. The three dragons moved their heads, relative to the man their heads where at least a hundred feet off the ground, their long necks allowed them to move closer to his height without moving the rest of their body. The dragons noticed that they had very little feeling in their extremities, their tails and wings felt like they had decayed to stone. When dragons remain still for to long, their body’s decay into living stone. They continue to live in this state but their bodies become more of the surroundings than that of their actual bodies. Their heads moved down towards the strange visitor, as they got closer they started hearing the mans words.
“I think you should help!” Called the man on the ground, the red dragon stopped starring and turned to the others. Their heads descended slowly to his level, they were brilliant creatures with scales of every hue. From afar a Dragon looks to be one solid color, but up close their scales are every shade of that color. These dragons had flecks of blue and gray scattered throughout the assortment of their scales. The man could see when they were turning and bringing their heads toward him that they the body’s the necks were attached to were covered in moss and looked as gray as the stone they leaned up against. In fact they had become part of the stone in such a natural way that it seemed the cavern was made up of them. The Dragons heads now made a circle around the man at nearly ground level. Hovering only a few feet from the ground. The man wondered how long a Dragons neck might be fully extended because it seemed like they still had more mobility that they were not utilizing. They starred in silence for a minute.
The dragons starred at the man intently, he seemed to be as ordinary a man as the green dragon had described. The silence was annoying the red dragon, so he chose to break it. “Speak visitor. You have interrupted our conversation rudely.” The red dragon starred at the man as he moved his head forward towards the man. The blue dragon spoke next. “Perhaps he cannot understand us? Perhaps we cannot understand him?”. The man called frantically from the ground, he understood that they seemed confused and wished to converse but he there was a language barrier betwixt the magnificent creatures and the man. The green dragon having experienced a similar issue with humans before guessed such. Over the eons he had pondered a solution, but had no way of trying. The conversation had been to distracting to allow for a gap to allow him to experiment. The green dragon spoke finally. “I believe we must help him understand, so we can understand him.” The red and blue dragon considered this option. “How?” Asked the blue dragon. “Like this.” Said the green dragon, and he moved his head forwards toward the man.
The man stood there as the dragons conversed while watching him, it seemed awkward to be observed by creatures that could probably flatten him on accident. Finally after a few moments the red dragon retreated a little bit and the green dragon came forward. His snout two feet in front of the mans stomach, his massive yellow slitted eyes gazing at him with understanding. The green dragon spoke to the man. “Come forward, and touch.” The man of course did not entirely understand but felt compelled to place his hand on the green dragons snout. He placed his hand on the Dragons snout, and a warm sensation filled him. “May you have understanding.” Spoke the green dragon.
With those words said, the air around the man pulsed. The warmth inside him grew and subsided, and his tongue felt weird. It felt weirder than before he touched the green dragon. But soon it felt normal once more. He took his hand of the green dragon, and the green dragon backed up a little bit. The three dragons were transfixed on the man, the drew a little closer waiting. “Speak visitor.” The red dragon said, and for the first time the man truly understood him. He stood there gasping in amazement. He could understand the dragons now! “I think you should help!” The man said while cracking a smile.
The blue dragon felt that the man was of good nature, he wished for the man to be able to know the conversation they the dragons had had for however long they conversed. He moved his head close to the man and asked the man to come forward like he had with the green dragon. The blue dragon knew a lot of things, he and the other Dragon’s minds were connected at this point. Their conversation had led to them having nearly a hive mind, but they were still distinct in personalities. They were connected more so than any of them really realized. Well, the blue dragon knew. When they departed from their conversation to meet the strange visitor he noticed more memories in his mind than he had before, they were the other Dragons memories alongside his. The man had put his hand on the blue dragons snout. “May you have knowledge.” Spoke the blue dragon.
And the man was filled with a warmth once again, and all the memories of the Dragons poured into his mind. He stood there, slightly overwhelmed. He was experiencing everything they had, he was seeing it all as he blinked and looked around. When he turned and looked he wasn’t only looking at the cavern but also the sky and the trees. He was gazing through the memories, they were magnificent. He stood in silence until eventually he spoke once more. “I think your knowledge is a gift to this world, and I think you should allow me to share it with my kind.”
The red dragon blinked at the man, he did not know what to expect from him. The red dragon liked the mans enthusiasm however. This human seemed way more interesting than the green dragon had explained. He still needed to be convinced to aid these humans, but he liked this human. He moved his head towards him, and go as close to the man as the others once had done. The red dragon felt this human worthy of the sky’s. He knew what to give this man. The man put his hand of the red dragons snout. “May you have the name, Wind.” Spoke the red dragon.
To be continued…