IRL writers block


IRL writers block

I guess I get IRL writers block wherein instead of actually having writers blocks in my writing it more so action IRL. I have plenty I should be working on right now, hell I have assignments due at midnight! But I have yet to actually sit down and complete them. I have things I could be doing physically, but I choose not to right now. It is incredibly frustrating! I need to work on things but I simply wish to not work on much of anything right now. I decided to sit down and type this thought process I was having up real quick in order to try and get something else done today. Honestly, it is quite satisfying getting back into the habit of typing things up but I need to work on stuff. I simply haven’t done what I need to do and well know there is stuff I need to do but I don’t want to do. This is frustrating. I dislike this. My brain seems to be moving really fast right now, but it doesn’t wish to work on anything it could easily work on. Damn you brain! Why do I do this to myself? Maybe by typing for long enough I will bore my ADHD brain enough to allow me to go work on something else and be more productive.

I did have a cup of coffee this morning and a Monster this afternoon. Luckily it seems I’ve gotten my diet to the point where I can enjoy a Monster once in a while and not have to worry about sugar crashing or anything lol. I guess I’ll get to work on working on things. Oh boy! Here we go again!

Thank you for reading, this post might be a little more trippy than usually but I am on a rocket ride! Wooooo! Caffeine!!!!
