Sitting in the Middle


Sitting in the Middle

Sitting in the Middle of the political spectrum seems to be one of the most controversial places nowadays. Both sides for some reason believes the others are bloodthirsty commies that are going to ruin this country and if you aren’t with them your with the opposition. As someone who doesn’t subscribe to all of either side, sitting in the middle seems to be a controversial place. My opinions are instantly categorized by others as things they are not. I simply think both Liberal and Conservative viewpoints are inherently flawed and abstain from labeling myself as one or the other. There are policies that I like the would be considered Conservative, and there are policies that I like that would be considered Liberal; and yet I am called some of the worst things purely because I don’t wholly agree with them. Basically its become a pissing contest between two factions that are both going “It’s my way or the highway!”. I believe in civil discourse and sitting down and doing the bold thing of having a reasonable conversation and compromising. God damn, that’s apparently an alien concept to most people. Honestly, it probably stems from the fact that most people aren’t smart enough to sit down and think the things through. Instead, opting to yell loudly at each other. Its like the worlds worst filibuster, because it gets us nowhere. And when you sit down and look at it, honestly both sides of the aisle in America is fuckin shit. For lack of a better term, they are fuckin shit. Like oh my god, I cannot describe how much it irks me that people will cheer and rally behind people they want to be leaders based off of only one idea principle and neglecting the fact that 99% of the politicians have shitty ideas/policies outside of their one core idea principle that really drives their platform. Its wild, your not allowed to sit in the middle on things anymore apparently. You get judged for saying I don’t agree with everything you are saying but I agree with this one thing. You get judged for saying I don’t know enough about a topic to have an opinion on said topic. You get judged for saying you do not choose to have an opinion on a topic because you simply feel your opinion is not justified because of who you are. I get judged because well there are some ideas I like about both sides but then there are a lot I really don’t like about both sides. I get judged for saying I do not know enough about things to give an opinion I could back with science and research. I get judged for things like not taking a stance on abortion because I do not feel I should be able to make a determinate opinion that matters because well I am a man, I have a penis not a vagina, I have no idea what its like being a woman. At the end of the day, there’s a lot of things I just don’t fucking know, and there are things that I don’t think I can have an opinion on because I simply do not know. It could be explained to me of course, but like again I will never have been a woman and I will never have had that frame of reference. Honestly, I think a lot of things should be determined by the surrounding target demographics, and I don’t think that’s a bad thing. Policy should be made by those who have to live with it, shit it would simplify so many things. But no, that’s some sort of extreme idealism. News flash, the only extremes you really see are the die hard Liberal and Conservative people, those who sit in the middle just seem to be wanting to be left the fuck alone which doesn’t sound that extreme. Also, another news flash, watching the news is probably one of the worst things you can do nowadays. They report the same stories and make shit up across all the news sources, also the parent companies for most media outlets, are owned by other parent companies that are owned by one parent company which is owned by Saudi Arabia. Fuck dude, most things in our country media wise is owned by someone else and at the end of the day its pretty much all shitty propaganda.

Being someone that is Amoral, Aethical, and Areligious nowadays is nice, because I don’t really give a shit about most peoples opinions. The main downside is that I get shit from everyone; however, I think I prefer getting shit from everyone as opposed to being a die hard this, that, or the other. I think its better for me to keep sitting in the middle.

Thank you for reading, I know I might have ranted a little bit, but honestly I needed to get it out of my system. I hate this modern world we live in, I know I might have been too preachy but sometimes shit happens and you have to get it out. I’m sure I’ll elaborate more later on. Anyways, please go read my other things!
