Weekly Reflection 9


Weekly Reflection 9

Hello once again! It has been quite a while since I last posted which is alright and understandable since I am a college student. I have been working nonstop on the course work for my 4 classes this semester, currently I have finished 3 textbooks for 3 of the classes and am ahead in all 4 of my classes as of this last Friday. Woooo! Otherwise I have been doing research and trying to figure out what I am going to be working on/researching next. This semester is nowhere near over and I am already mostly ahead.

Right now my goal is to try and get further ahead in all my courses, get ahold of my future classes and try and read the textbooks and stuff for those course as well. Along side this, I am going to be trying to study other stuff. I recently have found and borrowed a book on the programming language “KOBOL”, it is a very old language that barely anyone uses nowadays but it needs people to translate to updated systems. So I will be striving to learn that. Now that I am ahead in all my classes I have finally found some more inner peace and have elected to start working on Knowledge Jack once again. As a man of many interests and too little time I have found that I tend to work myself into the ground and burn out. I have figured out that I recently have done such with Knowledge Jack. This behavior is annoying, frustrating, and not tolerable. However, it seems to be a consistent action taking place by the mechanisms in my brain. As such, I will be attempting to mitigate this frustrating problem in the future.

So, let us discuss some other things I have been up to recently. Recently I have finished watching a Harvard lecture series boot camp about Deep Learning, a topic that I know a lot about unofficially but now know officially. It was most intriguing! I love learning that kind of stuff! Makes me super happy! I’ve decided to embrace my nerd-dom and go fully into it without outstretched arms. I absolutely love doing research, makes me so happy! As a result of watching said Harvard series I now intend on working on my own deep learning models. I have come to realize that what we call artificial intelligence really is nothing more than a complex math equation that spits out something we’ve trained it to spit out. This means that there is no way in hell terminator can really happen as of right now because nobody has figured out how to actually make a true intelligence engine in the public space. Thank God, they have yet to figure out the true modeling for it. Anyways, as such is the case I feel more confident in playing with their version of “AI”, my first project will be a Speech to Text generator. I am excited to start working on it!

Otherwise, I have been doing market investment research which is honestly fairly boring for most people. I quite like it though! My spreadsheet for my investment excel spread sheet is so big that it actually lags my monster beef cake computer! Its quite hysterical. I made a meme about it actually! My investment theories are quite interesting and opposite to what most people are doing. Stock markets around the world are crashing downwards and here I am cheering. My friends and family look at my concerned when I do such, its quite amusing. A close friend asked if I was some sort of anarchist or something, because why was I cheering? To put it most simply, my strategies involve buying no matter the price. When the stock market falls as a whole it isn’t indicative of the individual companies going under but rather everything dropping, so all my marginal weekly investment sudden buy more stock in companies. So when the market recovers in 10 to 18 months (historical max and min) the shares that I own will increase in value as well as profitability for my long term strategy which will then reinvest themselves and continue to buy more shares. Its a crazy idea, but hey; its working! So that is what I am working on most days haha!

For my Honors college course work I must complete a contract course and a research project before I graduate, therefore I am working on my investment research and stuff for a good cause. I have been informed that the result of my research might be the foundation for a hedge fund which was never the intention but merely a happy accident I have stumbled into. It may also result in a master level thesis or a book or maybe even the label of “economist”. One can dream haha! I love my work, whatever happens with it is whatever. I just enjoy looking and working with the pretty numbers. I don’t intend to become a millionaire crazy person, but if I keep up with this strategy and keep contributing to it and not really touching it, it may be making so much money that all my crazy ideas might be able to come to pass which would be awesome. If it makes a shit ton of money and funds my startup companies that sounds awesome to me. I don’t need crazy amounts of money to be happy, therefore if its making crazy amounts of money I’m gonna set up a company to use that money for good purposes. Like rebuilding and renovating houses and renting them for super cheap and providing shelter and services to all I can.

I don’t like most people, but I think that no one man should have so much wealth and hoard it. Hoarding for the sake of hoarding is despicable, hoarding in order generate revenue to enable the development and growth of others and community seems like a reasonable idea to me. Therefore, despite my dislike and distrust for most individuals I will happily contribute back to my community in hopes to improve quality of life. I think quality of life is something everyone should have but not everyone does have, and I think most take it for granted. To be clear, I don’t believe in socialism; through hard work and dedication you should be able to make shit loads of money and keep some of it. I just also think you should contribute back. There’s a certain point where all the needs in your life are fulfilled, and you’re left only with wants. I technically don’t need to share anything, but I want to. Because there are those in this world that need something, but will never be able to afford it. I know I am strange, but who cares? It makes me happier to help others.

Anyways, after that deep ass shit all I have left are mundane things haha. So to end my weekly reflection off on a more light hearted notes let us speak of mundane things. The Wi-Fi at my work no longer works as intended for anyone, supposedly its a public space for college students that allows them to work on things but without internet most college students can do nothing. For shame; they refuse to fix it. I’ve also been interviewing with a company, I’ve made it to the second round of interviews and I should be all good! Not entirely sure yet, but I think I am going to have a wonderful internship for this coming summer! Woooo! Cash money and experience!!!! I am excited. I still have yet to find a new car. I hang out with my cat, I am still downsizing. I recently realized I have become a little boring which I am ok with, but I wish to interact a little more. I seem to be on track to do such.

That is about it for this week, I hope you enjoyed my ramblings, please continue to be on the look out for more content on Knowledge Jack. I intend to be creating content more often coming soon! Today is the start of my week, and the start of me diving headfirst back into content creation. Woooo!

Thank you for reading <3
